House Crawl Space filled with Cobwebs

What’s Wrong

February 05, 20211 min read

What's wrong with this picture?

It’s not difficult to spot all the “cobwebs” hanging from the floor joists in this crawl space. However, taking a closer look at what they’re made of helps paint a clearer picture. These “cobwebs” are actually composed of dryer lint! A dryer should never be vented directly through a crawl space, as lint is highly combustible. In fact, lint is considered a leading fire hazard, with approximately 16,000 fires a year attributed to dryer issues. In order to prevent any safety issues, re-directing the dryer vent should be at the very top of this homeowner’s to-do list. 

This came from a monthly newsletter that one of our local property inspectors, Ron Schenk of National Property Inspections, shared with us.

Randy Hubbs

Designated Broker / Asset Manager
Founder of Investment Housing Specialists / Equity 1st Home Group

Co-Founder of Legacy Investors.US

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